Time of separation Dec 10, 2007 Just like God divided a day into two parts (day and night), so He also divided your soul into two...
Things and places to avoid when you are dating Dec 10, 2007 Before you date someone, remember to do your home work first, so that you may have guidelines that will enable...
Marriage a re-union Dec 10, 2007 Marriage is not a union of two souls, but a re-union of two souls. Marriage is a godly institution that...
Knowing the purpose of sex before dating Dec 10, 2007 Sex was created by God for the sake of using the physical natural human abilities, abilities like; energies, genetics, genes,...
Knowing the disadvantages of sex before having sexual relationships Dec 10, 2007 When sex is misused and corrupted through the act of homosexuality, bestiality, adultery, fornication, boy friend and girl friend. Or...
I am confused, is it love or hate? Dec 10, 2007 Why is it that the people we choose to emotionally give our feelings of love to, seems to be the...
How do I know that the desire is from God and not from myself? Dec 10, 2007 There are many ways of investigating your own self to find out if the desire that you have for a...
How can a marriage that began with love end up with bitter hatred Dec 10, 2007 There was a married couple that was struggling to make their marriage work, after a length of 10 years of...
Martin Luther Dec 10, 2007 Martin Luther was born in November 10, 1483 in Germany . As a Christian leader of the protestant reformation. Martin...
John D. Rockefeller Dec 10, 2007 Rockerfeller was the richest man in history, he was the first Amercian to hit the status of a billionaire, a...