Omer counting day 1 Apr 20, 2007 Week 1 Chesed - Love and kindness: Omer counting day 1. Love - Love (the love/kindness side of love)...
Your seven emotions governs the 7 attributes in the earth – Continuation Apr 20, 2007 Your soul is made up of seven emotions which are; click here to read about these emotions, and when these...
Your seven emotions governs the 7 attributes in the earth Apr 20, 2007 When ever the children of Israel fulfilled the commandment of bringing their pure olive oil to the priest, so that...
Your soul is made up of a number of seven emotions – continuation Apr 20, 2007 In the tabernacle of Moses there was a seven golden lamp stand that hade seven candle lights called the menorah...
Your soul is made up of a number of seven emotions Apr 20, 2007 In within your soul there are seven emotions. And each emotion was designed by God to feed and live on...
The fear of change makes people complain, falsely accuse and bitter Apr 20, 2007 There are four seasons in a year (spring, summer, autumn and winter) and each season contains an influence that makes...
Connecting your 7 emotions Apr 20, 2007 What is Omer counting? Connecting your 7 emotions (your soul). Omer counting is the 50 days that takes place from...
What is the purpose of counting the Omer Apr 19, 2007 We count the Omer for the sake of investigating the inner motives and desires of our emotions. Some times your...
Abraham rebels against the evil system of Nimrod’s Kingdom Apr 18, 2007 Abraham rebels against the evil system of Nimrod’s Kingdom In the book of Genesis 11:27-28 Abraham and his father Terah...