Summer time
We are in the season of Summer:
Summer time is the season when the sun is at the highest pitch of its potential of releasing sun light energies, or electromagnetic radiation into the earth.
Summer time is the hottest season in the year, also being the climaxed stage which contains the most exotic and erotic energies.
Summer time falls in the months of June, July and August according to the Gregorian calendar.
According to God’s calendar Summer time falls around the 3rd month called Sivan, and the hottest season falls in the 4th month called Tamuz on God’s Hebrew calendar.
The season of summer goes until the 5th month called Av on the Hebrew (God’s) calendar.
In the season of summer time, the heat of the sun seems to reveal the true nature of a person’s behavior or motives, click here to read more about it.
During the season of summer time (month of Tamuz), the children of Israel made a golden calf, and worshiped it as their god under the heat of the sun.
Sensual desires, exotic and feelings, lust ,lust and sexual dreams increases in the season of summer,read more…
Summer also commemorates the time when the walls of Jerusalem were breached by the Romans; this is also when the 2nd temple in Jerusalem was destroyed.
According to the ancient history, the heat of the sun, the sun light or the rays of the sun, were worshiped as the spiritual source which gives forth spiritual energies, light or many spirits,
which are responsible of advancing nature and human life on the earth.
Through this immoral pagan worship; the Sun became a Sun god to the Egyptians, the Babylonians, Greek empire, the Roman Empire, and other pagan and gentile cultures.
The event of worshiping the golden calf which is written in the bible took place in summer time, in the month of Tamuz on the Hebrew calendar.