Terror at Mumbai
The terrorist attach that took place in the city of Mumbai in India, which killed close to 190 people from the different nations of the world,
seems to be speaking a language of threats coming from the terrorists as a warning to the world,
but also this same incident is a wake up call telling the world to wake up to the reality and the evil plans of terrorism.
One of the terrorists’ chosen targets was the local Jewish Chabad House, known as the “Nariman House,” operated by Chabad-Lubavitch,
which was situated in this hotel building that the terrorist attacked in India Mumbai, through their bold act of terrorism that was aiming against this Jewish center, the terrorists managed to kill 190 souls of men and women that were coming from different nations all around the world, because of their hatred towards the Jewish nation,
we also see other nations being affected by this terrorist attack.
The hotel that was targeted by the terrorists in India (where the shooting and killing took place) was a multicultural hotel, also being the place where most of the foreigners all over the world spent their time when they came to city of Mumbai in India, this was a hotel that carried a multicultural vision for India .
Now; my question is why would these terrorists choose this place as their primal target?
When America decided to stand up for the truth and choose to fight against terrorism by standing with Israel (the Jewish nation) and defend their rights of owning their own land that the terrorists wants to take by force from Israel, we also see that America also became an enemy towards these terrorists.
The killing of the innocent people that took place in Mumbai was a terrorist statement that says; who ever allows the Jews to prosper and be part of this world democracy; will also suffer the same fate as this souls that lost their lives in Mumbai.
When the people ignored the threats of anti Semitism and the evil ideology of Adolph Hitler that was hostile towards the Jews during the world war II,
these same threats and evil deeds turned out to become a war that did not only affect the Jews, but it also affected the entire world at large.
Today you and I stand into the valley of decision, where we can either choose terrorism, through accepting to live under the threats and fear of terrorism that will end up taking a way, and destroying our lives and all that we are,
or we can choose to stand up for what is right and biblically moral according to God’s standards, and through it all the God of Abraham has promised protection, peace,
and prosperity to those who will stand with Israel (Jewish nation) through her time of need.
Genesis 12:3 God says to Abraham; I will curse those who curse your descendants (Jewish nation) and bless those who bless them.
The terrorists choose to curse God’s people, but God is also ready to prove to them that He is a God that is willing to fight for His people at any cost.
By Apostle Ngabo