The ultimate redemption of the act of trading
The original purpose of why Satan perverted the act of trading was because he knew and understood the secrete behind the power or principle of honoring the one you love and serve with the talents or gifts of your natural possession.
Revelation 22:14 says; that as the people obey God and His commandments, the act of obedience (offering of their gifts, talents and physical possessions) makes them to partake of the tree of life that is in heaven.
Revelation 21:22-26 says; God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple….
Revelation 21 verse 24 says; and the nations of those who are saved shall walk in its light, and the kings of the earth bring or trade their glory (gold, wealth, tithe, riches and honour) and giving them as an exchange for God’s wisdom, revelation and spiritual inheritance.
Even the heavenly temple of God and purpose is designed so that the entire human race on the earth will begin to trade their riches, glory and honour as a sign of worship to God.
In Genesis 2:15 God put Adam in the Garden of Eden to tend it and keep it.
the word keep it means; conduct it as a business, where Adam was given the responsibility of trading his spiritual and physical gifts back unto God, as God also released Himself into Adam’s life and everything that Adam possessed.
By Apostle A. Ngabo