40 days of seeking God – Continuation
In within these 40 days, expect God to deal with the curse in your life in these four dimensions.
*In the first dimension; you have curses, sicknesses and bad fortunes that may come upon one’s life from the surroundings or the environment that he or she is existing in at the moment.
*In the second dimension; there are sicknesses, bad fortunes and curses that may oppress your life coming from your relatives that are related to you through the religion of men, tradition, culture, tribe or nation that you are from.
*In the third dimension; you have curses, bad fortunes, evil desires, sicknesses that may come upon your life from the world system (the world system being the laws of the land, government system that governs a nation in which you live in, because when the leaders of the land are evil, that also affects your life spiritually)
*And in the fourth dimension; you have curses, sicknesses, bad fortunes, demonic oppression, mental distress and all different kinds of plagues like earthquakes, global warming, water flooding, storms, the ground being cursed (animal diseases, plantations and agricultural corruption), that effects peoples lives as a result of man’s rebellion against God’s law (written word in the books of Moses, Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus and Deuteronomy).
And this curse in the fourth dimension takes it’s root in peoples lives from the time Adam fell, to the previous generation that you are in. So for you to be totally victorious in your life, you have got to fight the curse in these four dimensions.
Genesis 15:13-14 says that….your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs…and they will afflict them (a four generational curse will fight them, trying to resist them from fulfilling their spiritual destiny), for 400 years………., notice the number four there.
400 also being being the 40 days of seeking God that begins in the sixth month of Elul and finishes in the seventh month of Tisheri according to the Hebrew calendar).
In the beginning of this sixth month Mary conceived Jesus in her womb when the angel came to her (Luke 1:26), Adam received the breath of life (Genesis 2:7), Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ) our Lord began his 40 days fast, and Moses also began his 40 days of fasting.
And at the end of the 40 days Moses comes back from the mountain with a shining face and the ten commandments in his hands.
After these 40 days Adam also received a garden that contained God’s presence, prosperity, wealth in within it (Genesis 2:9-20).
After these 40 days Jesus our Lord comes from the mountain full of the holy spirit, casting out demons, raising the dead, provoking religious leaders to jealousy, declaring and commanding the people to repent from their wicked ways because the kingdom of God has come (Luke 4:1-37).
For those of you who will seek God with us in these 40 days , I prophetically promise you that you, yes, I mean You who is reading this article!
After you have fought a good fight through these 40 days, you are going to come out with great possession (spiritual purpose of you spiritual existence will be activated and the doors of prosperity will suddenly open), Genesis 16:13-14.
40 days of seeking God.
40 days of seeking and chasing after God, here at The council of Ngabo, begins from the 1st of Elul – 10th of Tishrei.
We are fasting, praying and interceding for Israel (the Jewish nation) and for all the nations around the world.
This is the season of answered prayers and open heaven over your life.
In this sixth month of Elul according to the Hebrew calendar that begins on the 30th of August 2011, the holy spirit has prophetically said to us;
That this is the season of fulfilled prophecies to those that will seek God’s face and honour this season of teshuva (returning back to God with all your soul, strength, heart and body).
God is pouring out new wine to revive your life, and you need a new wine skin to contain it.
You are welcome to send in your prayer requests because we are more than willing to stand in the gap for you in prayer, so that God may prosper you in all your undertakings.
Send in your prayer request NOW!!! So that we may put you on our prayer altar and call upon God’s mercy, grace and spiritual prosperity for you in this season.