Abraham rebels against the evil system of Nimrod’s Kingdom
In the book of Genesis 11:27-28 Abraham and his father Terah dwelt in the land called Ur of the Chaldeans, the Chaldeans as they are called;
this was a movement that was formed by Nimrod and the purpose of this movement was to expose the minds of the people under his kingdom (Nimrod’s kingdom),
to the mysteries of magic, divination, astrology, sooth saying, witchcraft, art of the gods, fantasies and the relating of the people’s lives to the spiritual world of the gods of Nimrod.
In Daniel 1:4 and Daniel 2:2 Talks about the literature, language and teachings of the Chaldeans (Nimrod’s movement) that designed and governed the kingdom of Babylon that belonged to Nebuchadnezzar,
which was spiritually structured by the wise counsel of the astrologers, magician, sorcerers and sooth sayers. I am sorry for diverting you from the story, Let us return back to Abraham’s story.
But at this point in Abraham’s life in the land of Ur of the Chaldeans, Abraham was already showing the qualities of his strong faith in the true God of his forefather Shem.
The Jewish writings declare that Terah, Abraham’s father left Abraham in his place where he was selling the statues or idol gods of Nimrod, and as Abraham was in this place he decided to take hammer and used it to smash all the small idols in his father’s shop, and he took the hammer and put it close to the bigger idol.
When his father returned he found all the small idols smashed in pieces, and when he confronted Abraham about it, Abraham said; the idols got into an argument about an offering,
then the bigger idol took the hammer and began to smash all the smaller idols in pieces, then his father answered and said; son; this is just a foolish idol it cannot do anything It is just an idol!, then Abraham said to him; father; then why are you selling them to others as their gods?
Because of Abraham’s preaching that was exalting God and degrading Nimrod’s gods, Nimrod became furious and he said to Abraham let us see if your God will save you from my burning furnace of fire,
Nimrod says: my anger is like furnace of fire
Nimrod referred to his anger and fury as a “furnace of fire” that burns those who goes against his will, that is why Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, used the same method of throwing people into the furnace of fire, which was a custom that originated from Nimrod’s ideas.
The fire is representing the heat of the Sun, that smites and burns to destroy.
Nimrod threw Abraham into the furnace of fire, miraculously God saved Abraham from the fire and he came out of the fire an touched.
In Genesis 11:31-32 After Terah Abraham’s father had died, God called Abraham to come out of the system of Nimrod.
Genesis 12:1-3 says; Now the Lord had said to Abraham:
Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great;
and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those that curse you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.