Autumn Harvest
Autumn harvest is the season when all the different fruits are harvested, being the harvesting of plants, crops and minerals etc.
In the bible this season of autumn harvest was called the season of ingathering where the 70different types of fruits were gathered or collected in during the autumnharvest as it is written in Leviticus 23:39.
Autumn harvest is also the season when the energieswhich governs the art of agriculture comes into the fullness of their natural ability, (being the state where the crops, plants, and minerals which were planted in the ground reach their physical state of harvest).
Autumn harvest is called “Autumn harvest” because it falls around the season of autumn.
According to God’s calendar, (Hebrew calendar or Jewish calendar), Autumn harvest falls in the seventh monthcalled Tishrei, and in this same month, (7th month), God made every tree to grow which was good for food and pleasant to the eyes as in Genesis 2:9.
The meaning of the seventh Hebrew month called “Tishrei”.
The word Tishrei means “to begin“, for the beginning of Tishrei marked the beginning of an agricultural year of farming and harvesting, also being the beginning of a new civil year.
“Tishrei” also means “released” because in this month God releases the agricultural energies which makes all the natural plants, organisms, crops and minerals to grow. The seventh month also represents the son of Jacob calledEphraim. The word Ephraim means; “to be fruitful, or fruitfulness“.
Genesis 2: verse 10-12 talks about the energies which produced the minerals like; gold and all the precious stones (bdellium, onyx, topaz, etc), all these agricultural energies which enables the earth to harvest its crops during the season of autumn, were released into the earth by God in the seventh month on God’s calendar.
Why does Halloween falls in the season of autumn harvest?
In this season of autumn harvest, God commanded Israel to celebrate the feast of tabernacles, which is called Sukkot in Hebrew, also being the celebration which commemorates and acknowledges God as the giver of the autumn harvest.
Through the Gregorian calendar which was made by the Romans, (Catholic church), the season of autumn harvest became the commemoration or the celebration of Halloween.
The opposite of the celebration of Halloween is the feast of tabernacles:
The purpose of the pagan celebration called “Halloween” was to take away or to confuse the human subconscious mind , so that the human beings on the earth may worship hasatan(satan) as the source or giver of the energies which makes all the living things to grow during the season of Autumn.
By: Apostle A. Ngabo.