The Knowledge Entrepreneurship Model
They measure themselves not by the standards of the past, (how far they have come), but by visions of the future (how far they have yet to go).
And they do not allow the past to serve as a restraint on the future;
the mere fact that something has not worked in the past does not mean that it cannot be made to work in the future.
And the mere fact that something has worked in the past does not mean that it should remain.” (Kanter as in Cornwall & Perlman, 1990, pp. 27-28).
We are in the season of knowledge entrepreneurship:
Where the ideas that have been despised and overlooked in the past,
are becoming the same ideas that can help humanity to overcome the crisis that we are going through right now.
The companies and corporations that have been focused on making money, and using their employees as slaves, have now come into a season where the desires of selfish gains are turning into the ruin of their own game.
But on the other hand, the people that are designing products and giving out information for the sake of helping others or making other people’s lives better, these same small companies are beginning to take the forefront in the field of business.