How does propagated frequencies work?
To propagate images, sound waves and frequencies:
The propagation of images, sound waves and frequencies has been used in the practicing of divination since the ancient days of the evil kingdom of Babylon and Egypt.
Today; this method of propagating images, sound waves and frequencies is mainly used by the media (those who own the TV broadcasting satellites, the communication satellites and the mass production of main stream music, movies, etc…).
The word to propagate derives from the word called “propaganda”.
The word propaganda means; to spread an evil report against someone, to malice, to speak evil of, to stir up hatred or hostility against a group of people.
To break up a good relationship or to put a wall of enmity between friends, families or a community via the act of spreading false rumors.
But also this word propaganda means; to seduce, to deceive, to entice or to manipulate someone into the state of doing something which goes against his nature, so that you may use it against him in the time of accusation.
In the realm of propagating frequencies, images, sound waves and words; the mass media uses it as a strategy and technique of destroying the lives of those people (celebrities, leaders etc…) who disagree with the evil system of their corporation.
Organized corporations of the Freemasons, illuminate, witches, occult movements, etc, uses a lot of these propagated strategies.
Messages which aim at the destroying of someone’s life can be sent and transmitted into people’s homes or lives via the method of manipulating radio frequencies, TV frequencies, news papers, magazines, music, movies, TV programs and wireless frequencies.
Propagated frequencies causing paranoia and schizophrenia:
Most of the people who suffer from paranoia and schizophrenia are victims who have been exposed to these secrecy programmed frequencies of propaganda.
For example: every action which takes place in the physical body is regulated through the brain.
Now; when the brain becomes over loaded with a lot of these propagated frequencies (evil movies, music, news papers which promotes hatred, false accusations, anti-Semitism, hostility against others, etc).
This can lead to mental disorder; where the brain begins to imagine or connect into frequencies and energies that carry information of night mares, demons, torments, evil ancient mythologies, pornographic images of the ancient deities (gods) of Babylon, Egypt, Greek, and Rome etc…
The scripture in Luke 6:37 says; that when we condemn or pass evil judgment against others, we also do the same thing against our own self.
“Propagated frequencies” (propaganda which is spread by the mass media) is designed for self destruction against people’s lives.
By: Apostle A Ngabo