Spring time cleaning-Passover
Spring time cleaning – Are you ready to do some cleaning?
When ever we get into the season of spring time, people seem to enter into the mood and desire of cleaning.
Now my question is; how come that the desire and the practice of house cleaning and building renovations so common in spring time?
Spring time is a season of getting rid of the old bad habits, unwanted
materials things, clatters, dirt, uncleanness, leaven etc…from our houses, physical bodies and spiritual mindset,
so that we may be able to create space for the new spiritual energies (omer counting) which comes down from the spiritual realm into the earth during spring time.
The tendency of house cleaning, changing and replacing bad ideas with good ones, the desire of getting new friends, loosing weight and the desire of going on new adventures is very common among people during the season of spring time.
Why? Because spring time is a time of cleaning and self purification (Omer counting).
But on the other hand, spring time can also become the season when people invite bad habits, evil desires, evil sexual passions and energies into their lives due to the evil energies,
which derive from the pagan festivals of (Easter, Beltane, may pole and kanamara matsuri) which are celebrated in the season of spring time.