The gold plated altar of incense
On the the altar of incense which was located in the holy place, the priest used to burn the sweet smelling incense, And at the same time as he was burning the incense, he was also praying (interceding, giving thanks and prophesying or reciting certain blessings from the Torah-Tanak).
The Altar of incence also had four corners, and each corner was represented by a horn.
Now, my question is; what is the spiritual meaning of the altar of incense?
The altar of incense represents the priest’s blessings in form of prayers, which were done on behalf of the children of Israel’s souls. There are different types of prayers. there are prayers which one can do on behalf of him/herself.
But there is also another type of prayer, where the priest (the leader, spiritual teacher or minister of God) can be able to intervene and intercede on behalf of the people he leads. In times when the children of Israel were in trouble or going through an incident of evil experience, that was also the same time they needed prayers of intercession which were coming from their own priest.
Things that we can not change through our own prayers, are the same situations that are designed to lead us or make us submit to those leaders that have the ability to pray for us.
Read the continuation, about The holy of holies…
By: Apostle A Ngabo