The house of David and the house of Saul
There was war between the house of David and the house of Saul, but David grew stronger and stronger, and Saul grew weaker and weaker, 2 Samuel 3:1.
We are in a prophetic season where the house of David (the nature of man which desires to be obedient and do the will of God)
is at war with the house of Saul, (the evil nature and habits in within a man’s character that desires to fulfil the will of the flesh).
Some people in the churches right now are struggling and some pastors are contemplating on giving up their pastoral office.
Why? Because there is a spiritual warfare going on.
Many people in the church have ignorantly chosen king Saul (the evil nature and habits in someone’s character) to rule over their lives, and yet; what God wants is king David (the character of obedience and willingness to do God’s will in a person’s nature) to rule over their lives.
Yes! I said there is war going on between David and Saul.
Saul is determined to kill David, but God is also determined to protect, to preserve, to deliver and also prove Himself to be the warrior that fights David’s warfare’s.
Just ask yourself this question; how come that most of the promises that you have promised God (things like tithing, sowing seeds in God’s kingdom, being faithful to God, doing things which pleases God, praying at least an hour a day), all these things seems to be going unfulfilled in your life?
When you think about fulfilling your promises to God, that’s the same time when things all over a sudden goes wrong in your family or among those that you are related to physically.
Your life seems to be going through a spiritual transformation that is making you to get easily offended, because you know that there are things which God has requested from you, and yet they are still going unfulfilled.
I said; there is war between the nature of David and Saul in you, and the only way you are going to be able to kill the nature of Saul in within your character,
is by applying this simple word called “obedience” in within your character, make a determination, become committed and also stand on your decision to fulfil what you promised God, no matter what Saul (the evil nature or evil circumstances) stirs up in your life.
The scripture says; that you shall prove your love to God (fulfilling God’s way of doing things, and keeping your promises you have made to God and keeping His commandments), no matter what your physical needs, or your soulish and heart requirements are.
Deuteronomy 6:4-6 says; Hear oh Israel; The Lord your God is one, “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength”
God bless you!!!
By Apostle A Ngabo