The origin of acupuncture
The origin of acupuncture comes from the worship of the Chinese small gods;
where people that have not been paying their tribute to their small gods were oppressed with different kinds of physical pains from evil spirits,
and in return and reverence to their small gods that they have provoked to anger, these people were commanded by their priests to pierce needles in their bodies,
so that they may appease themselves with their small gods.
The origin of Yoga;
Yoga is a meditation that is done for the Hindu gods in India , originally coming from India ,
where people get into contact with evil spirits and surrender their souls under the influence of these spirits through Yoga meditation.
In simple words, yoga meditation means to invite animalistic spirits into one’s body through meditation for the sake of acquiring mental peace from the Buddha god,
not knowing that through inviting these evil spirits, people are ignorantly bringing themselves under demonic oppression that brings poverty, sickness, bad luck, fear, depression and all sorts of unclean curses.
By Apostle A Ngabo