The pyramid-The new world order that controls the governments
The organization that controls the political system and the system that runs the affairs of finances in the world (in America and Europe) is just a reflection or a microcosm of the historical tower of Babel or the pyramids of the Egyptian gods.
The article you are about to read exposes and brings to light the evil schemes that the evil world leaders are using so that they may enslave the souls of the people that they are ruling over.
The leadership that governs the affairs of the world system or government is divided up in two divisions.
*The first division is made up of leaders that governs the affairs of the physical structure of the nation,
in the bible these used to be kings and their delegates, in today’s world these are the presidents, prime-ministers, politicians etc.
*The second division is made up of the leaders also known as spiritual counselors that structures the spiritual image of the nation,
in the biblical days these were called the astrologers, magician, soothers Sayers, witches and false prophets as in Numbers 23:13-30, Daniel 2:2, Exodus 7:11-13, Exodus 7:22, Revelation19:20 & Revelation 16:13-14.
In today’s government system these leaders (spiritual leaders with spiritual powers and influence) are called freemasons, or illuminati,
who are specialized in astrologer, magic, witchcraft, sorcerer, and false prophecies that has the ability to deceive and corrupt the people’s behavior on the earth.
The ancient building of pyramids that derives its history from the building of the tower of Babel, also being the pyramids that were built in Egypt for the gods of the Egyptians,
these same pyramids are being used by the freemason (illuminati), as symbols or signs of transmitting evil spiritual energies, ideologies,
and mindset that will lead or hypnotize the world into a global system that is controlled by Satan (mark of the beast, 666).
By: Apostle A. Ngabo.
Read the continuation: The ancient writings about the Egyptian pyramids reveal three main gods that influenced the purpose why these pyramids were built