Year 1945 – The year of global economy and industrial revolution
Year 1945 was the end of the Second World War, and also this was the same year when Adolf Hitler, the evil Germany leader,
that was responsible of the killing of millions of innocent people decided to commit suicide.
He poisioned his wife and his dog and after that he killed himself.
This same year was given a term called the Information age; which means that this was the time when the global economy of the World started to prosper again,
and to rise up from the economic down fall that was caused and empowered by the anti-Semitism that was led by Adolf Hitler,
but also this same word, Information Age refers to the beginning of the manipulation of information, where internet and computer development started to take shape, and it rapidly started to become more accessible to the mass, while the integration of different nations,
were beginning to go over the boundaries of Racism and discrimination.
This was also the time when Industrial revolution took place,
where commercial ships were speedily establishing business connection with previous unreachable World Market
and at the same time private companies began to becoming wealthier, and industrial oriented.
By Apostle A. Ngabo